Furniture Painting / Customisation
Got some furniture that you want to spruce up? Live in Somerset or Cornwall?
Fill out the form at checkout with your location, photos of the item and an idea proposal, and let’s bring that well-loved piece back to life!
*Price may vary if the project is a bit more ambitious! I love a mammoth project though, so don’t be shy ☺️
(If you’re more into wall customisations, I’m offering mural services soon - watch this space 🎨)
Got some furniture that you want to spruce up? Live in Somerset or Cornwall?
Fill out the form at checkout with your location, photos of the item and an idea proposal, and let’s bring that well-loved piece back to life!
*Price may vary if the project is a bit more ambitious! I love a mammoth project though, so don’t be shy ☺️
(If you’re more into wall customisations, I’m offering mural services soon - watch this space 🎨)